Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Been Awhile!

Hello to All! I know I haven't kept up my blog recently, but I am here now to give an update.

First, it is HOT in Texas right now. I know, I know...it will get even hotter but even the kids don't want to be outside for any extended period of time.

Second, we have been doing some major projects on the house. Yes, it is a new house (only 2.5 yrs of age) but we still have to make it our home. So, I have been very busy painting as many rooms as possible, along with Byron and I furnishing some unfurnished spaces. The house is coming along nicely with only a few more things to do. Oh, we also tiled our back patio and now it is amazing. I swear it feels like an extra room!

The kids are doing wonderful. They are both out of school for the summer, with Lyndsey makes straight A's on her report card for the entire 6th grade! We are so proud of her..she is so smart (yes, I am bragging). Byron had told her if she made straight A's she would be generously rewarded..as was. She is one happy little girl, oh, I mean young lady. James begins pre-school next year, still only 2 days a week but in a more structured classroom setting. I know he will do great too.

Byron is still working hard at Southwest and is traveling quite often. I am hoping to hop on one of his flights this summer w/the kids. Wouldn't it be great to get a photo of him and the kids in his "office?" Besides his must-do work, Byron also manages many of his own projects around the house. We bought a "fishing camp" north of Houston so Byron is rebuilding it from the floor up. We currently have some hand made cabinets in our garage that he built. He has some more to do and hopes to get them finished soon.

Well, I think that is about it for now. I seriously hope to keep this blog up much more regularly now!

Have a wonderful day.


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