Sunday, November 22, 2009

Houston Children's Museum

Yesterday my father-in-law and I took the kids to the Houston Children's Museum. We have never been there before and really didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if Lyndsey was too old or if James was too young, but as it turned out, it was a great place for both of them.

The picture to the right is pretty cool if I do say so myself. It was an example of a tornado within a tube that you could put your hand through and feel exactly what takes place inside of the twirling winds. There was no glass seperating me from the kids so I just walked around the tube and snapped this shot. Lots of fun!

Don't they look so cute together? Just makes you want to give them a big hug and kiss! I enjoyed my day with them immensely.

James is a motorcycle nut! So when there was a moped that he could sit on, man was he all for that! He really thought he was something else "driving" along the streets of Vietnam that was being shown on the screen in front of him.

All in a days work! Lyndsey was trying to see what is was like to actually do some manual labor! HA ~ that didn't last long. I kept hearing, "Wow, this is hard. I can't do this. This is hard. I can't do this." Hmmm....I wonder if she still thinks her chores are hard work????

1 comment:

cmhouston said...

How’s it going, Hale family?

Thank you for sharing your fun times at the Children’s Museum of Houston.

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